Error Please Release Shutter Button Again

kukkurovaca adalah administrator grup kukkurovaca says:

Have you tried switching the camera off and on again?
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Jock? says:

Information technology looks like the shutter hasn't been reset subsequently the last firing. A ready-to-burn down D40 shouldn't take those tabs visible at the left.
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securely connection [dihapus] bilang:

Have you lot tried taking off the battery or using the reset button?
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R.Flix says:

I had this aforementioned problem with the D40 and it began working afer using the reset button. Information technology worked fine for a cursory catamenia so started up once again with the mistake message. I took it to a camera shop and they were stumped. In the end I had to send it to Nikon for repair. Hope you don't terminate upwards going the aforementioned road.
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k92otis says:

I'thou having the same trouble! so frustrating! I don't know what to do.
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k92otis says:

R.Flix: what did they do to correct it? was information technology expensive to fix?
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-Niloy- says:

I now have the aforementioned problem likewise.

Request once more:

"R.Flix: what did they practise to correct it? was it expensive to gear up?"
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mawgyit says:

I just ran into this trouble all of a sudden today. I was taking a serial of pictures at a wedding and it stopped working. It get stuck and would require 2d push button press to bring the mirror downwards again (thought the mirror does not expect like it is completely down).
I had this on a 5month one-time D60 that has not been used too much.

Any suggestion you take is almost welcome.
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David Van Chu adalah administrator grup David Van Chu says:

My first proffer would be to accept a fill-in body when shooting weddings.

My 2nd suggestion is to give Nikon a phone call :-).
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ricardo_ccc says:

I Solve It... Howdy Guys, I had the aforementioned problem few months ago, later on reading some similar posts and trying all suggestions I finally took my D40X to Nikon, they spent ii weeks in diagnostics to finally said that will price me 150$ and 6 more weeks, I got my photographic camera dorsum and I effort it and it was working perfectly.. merely...yesterday, afterward some months I got the same mistake, and here is the solution .
I took off the 8 screws at the botton plate and the spiral hidden at the border well-nigh the batery (you lot accept to take off the battery).
After taking off the botton plate I saw a red gearwheel and I motion information technology in whatsoever direction.. then I put the bombardment and Viola!!.. worked... and then I put back the botton plate... seems that the gear is part of the mechanics of the shutter that probably was stuck.
I Hope this helps, but retrieve my D40X was out of guaranty, considering of that I dared to open it.
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cmartin_ok (Chris Martin) says:

You managed to get a viola into your D40x? Are you trying to orchestrate this thread?
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ianjofriel says:

LMAO at Viola...

perchance the shutter is damaged after someone printed "project 365 / Mean solar day 22" beyond information technology ? :D
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afraid way [dihapus] bilang:

I had exactly the same problem with 'Error. Press shutter release button over again' and i fixed it!

Here'south how I did it.

Get a very small cross head screwdriver (watchmaker size)
A can of WD40
Gummy record
A good light

Remove the Battery and SD card
Open the bottom of the D40x putting the modest screws onto the glutinous tape in order of removal.

Y'all might want to accept pic with another camera so y'all know where all the screws become.
Then remove the metallic plate (used for the tripod mount, you will need to remove the back of the D40x as well, it's merely 2 screws)

Now expect at John C Ayr's picture of the D40x

Spray a Minor corporeality of WD40 onto the reddish and white gear wheels.
(Don't employ so much that it drips downwards onto the optics, yous don't want oil in at that place!!!)

Put the bombardment in and hold it down to make contact, put in the sd card and switch on the camera and try the shutter button. (switch it to manual focus or information technology might try hunting around for ages for focus)

Information technology might kickoff working, if not move the red wheel a few stops and attempt again.

Once it's lubed up and the wheels move information technology should be ok.
Keep taking pics until you feel it is ok.

So reassemble following the screws backwards on the viscous record.

Enjoy your D40x once again ;-)
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jorgerios says:

Thanks then much Steve, at present my D40X works!!
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afraid fashion [dihapus] bilang:

Dainty ane!
I search Flickr for the words "Press shutter release button again". and posted my fix to all the groups i could notice. Your not the only one that's now stock-still their d40x with WD40 ;-)
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caseylaatsch says:

i dear you guys. thaks
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Centsational Girl says:

Steve Jackson, you are a genius ! I was getting the aforementioned ERROR bulletin and in a panic thinking I would loose my D60 for several weeks and for hundreds of dollars to Nikon Repair..... we followed your instructions exactly and used WD40 and at present the camera is working again.

Thanks !!!!!
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scare... says:

steve are a genius... sadly for me it only worked temporarily.... i will try over again merely my hope for my d40x is slowly diminishing.. thanks for the backbone and knowladge though... i would of never opened up my camera without you...thanks...

(past the way)

ianjofriel, i thought that joke was pretty funny...nigh the damage due to printing project365, twenty-four hours 22... : )
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dcataldo says:

A large cheers to all the contributors in this thread- I just experienced this problem with my D40. I started to unscrew the bottom plate, but 3 of the screws were in as well tight for my liking.

I put everything back in its identify, and out of frustration, continuously hit the shutter release push button for virtually a minute. It suddenly snapped back into place, and began working again. I suppose my discussion of advice would be that, before swell it open, try pressing the release over and over for a while.
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Peter McC says:

I had this happen to me, took a month, Nikon stock-still. Said the Aperture command unit of measurement was faulty. No charge, but a month no camera.
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keri ivy is seeing things for the kickoff fourth dimension says:

Thank you so much, !! I have had my D60 for well over a year and never had any problems at all, then today I was shooting and out of nowhere i got this error message. The but thing that was different was that I was shooting with a new lens, a Nikkor AF-S 70-300 4.5-5.six VR, (ED, IF). I've had information technology for a week and information technology has been neat so I don't actually know if it was any part of the problem or not, it'due south sweeeet then I promise not! I was really upset and worried so when I found this thread I tried this set up immediately and it worked! Soooo happy and so grateful! Thank yous Thanks Thank you!!!
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James J McLeod says:

Thank you and so much Steve! I just had the fault on my 18 month one-time D60; typed it into the Google and came here.

Had trouble where I almost footing the head of i of the screws into dust, but as well that, it worked a care for!
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prdlt says:

Steve, thanks for the info. Did it have you a while to get the gears to move?

James McLeod, I had the aforementioned problem. I was down to the last screw till I could remove the silver plate and ground the screw downwards to a circumvolve. I jammed a scalpel in the screw to try to create some wriggle room for a phillips screwdriver and almost tore upwardly some electronics. Oops.

I bought my camera refurbished for actually cheap and have had it for a year and some months now.

Sadly, it still isn't working. Only...I hope giving the gears a petty more WD40 will loosen it up. *crosses fingers*

Helpless in Seattle
Tom Hanks.
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Donato Manliclic says:

give thanks you so much my photographic camera is working now. I had to test it once again and over again (while watching the hockey finals Us vs. canada) haha

get canada!
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-Niloy- says:

Nikon charged me around $150 to supplant the shutter, FYI.

Not super expensive.
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ukmcbo says:

Hi there Guys! I take a D60 and yesterday I had this error bulletin in my camera LCD "Error. Press shutter release push button again". I follow the steps that Steve Jackson mentioned in the forum, and when I try to movement the red wheel manually, gets to one betoken when it does not curlicue anymore. Is this supposed to be like this? I mean, this cycle have an end or information technology is getting stucked for some malfunctioning? I would appreciate all your comments, I am DESPERATE to go my photographic camera back on track! Cheers in advance!
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kadernal says:

I had a d40 for v months and this happened to information technology merely had like 2500 actuations..... and so I ordered a d5000 and today it showed upward DOA with this same fault. I bought information technology brand new from a reputable site.... im pretty upset about this.... I think tomorrow Im going to return it and put my lenses up on ebay.
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James J McLeod says:

I had ii concerts to shoot the dark following the sticky, pardon the pun, moment.

Initially, later I had taken it apart, I used a cotton wool bud (HEAVILY covered in WD40) to coat it, only rubbing it every bit I released the shutter. Did this for about 5 minutes, screwed information technology support and left it alone.

Friday night, have a few photos outside; get inside, bands come on and ERROR. Oh shi-
I began to get quite angry and wonder why it had happened again, and then I did what most men refer to- I hit it. I striking the bottom three-4 times with the push depressed, as I was I at this stage, and information technology released and began to work again.

10 more than shots and information technology happened again. Followed the in a higher place steps and it was working. No more faults.

Sat rolls effectually and I find 3 screws are missing (should've tightened them >_<) and the error has returned.

I took it autonomously and used tissue paper soaked in it and just coated it as much every bit I could.

This time at the concert it worked a care for and I've not had any event since.

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kiwirat says:

kadernal transport them to me, I'll have care of them.....:)
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jessia22 says:

I accept this same fault on my nikon d60. Information technology started happening about a month agone, seemed to set up itself, and then happened over again and again randomly.

This latest time it hasn't fixed itself but I'g a chip worried about opening upwards the camera... every bit apart from the good instructions to a higher place I'm not confident in my fixing power...

What'due south the chance of me damaging the camera more in this repair?
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Shiqa Annuar says:

Argh, my camera has this problem besides. But, may I know, what's the cause of this....fault?
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Skidzey says:

Ricardo and Steve...yous are both spot on, many cheers, my D40 is now up and running again.
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Kenzie.Cott says:

This happened to me today and I opened the lesser and used WD40 and moved the gear and it didn't help, my D60 is still out of commission :( any other suggestions?
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Al-Lens says:

I have the same error with my D40, i just just movement the reddish gear frontward and astern and put on the battery and presto the shutter work once again. It think its the gear problem. i didn't WD40 took several motion picture and information technology withal working. Thank you for posting on what to do with that kind of fault and i got the courage to open my my camera and it saves me money.
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huntercasten says:

This happened to me when I showtime got my D40. It got ameliorate, magically.

Just after some breaking in of the shutter machinery, I guess.
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tomassz says:

WD40 says to avoid using information technology and other petroleum based products on polycarbonate plastics.
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transiently permanent says:

You post this eight months after several people have reported using information technology to fix the trouble?!!!!!
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Cerisse ★ says:

Had the same trouble final night and tried this a while ago on my D60 and didn't piece of work. :( I think this doesn't work on D60'south. Whatsoever more than ways to fix on this kind of model if y'all already take?
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Niikon. says:

I never had this problem with old transmission lenses on the D40!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it make any sense...wht should be the real problem then?
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Edward Labozzetta says:

took a leap of organized religion and the solution worked perfectly, just instead of wd40 I used a low-cal sewing machine oil to lube it up, prepare camera to sport mode, and fired off repeated shots for about 2 mins.
needless to say everything works better at present then it did comming out of the box for the first time. saved myself that $180.00 repair with something that is patently a design flaw afterwards all the posts and costs I see about this problem. many many thanks to those who posted this fantastic solution. and to those who are nervous about removing those screws and something falling out? trust me it was easy and tighter and then a pulsate, if anything does fall out during this remedy and then you lot got more than problems and then an fault bulletin, simple plate removal and the carmine punch of decease is right at that place plain as 24-hour interval, gave it a few turns and actually wondered if it was that wasy and it was!. I was even able to re-instal the battery and take a test shot to brand certain it was working, with the whole affair dissassembled and it did, only hold it in with your thumb before re-assambling to run into if it worked. Im confident I could make this repair on the wing at a job. whole process only took 15 mins. and that was on the starting time go. at present that I have washed it, should simply be virtually 5 mins. tops. Thanks fellow Nikon users
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Niikon. says:

Cheers Edward will try information technology.ok let me share two solutions I plant even without opening the camera.Noticed that even after the error occured with a metering lens and so switch off the camera ,move the dail to shutter proirity or dark mode and start over again,it works !!!! atleast with my sigma 17-seventy HSM.The 2d one is to remove the kit lens/metering lens and attach a non cpu lens ,will piece of work again with no problems in M fashion.Please report if this worked for yous.
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Niikon. says:

Actually there are 9 screws to exist removed ....8 visible ones and 1 inside the battery chamber...used 2 drops of switch cleaning oil and put everything back.worked okay for a few clicks and so error showed once more.Did information technology for the second time and all scene modes, auto and programme mode works but yet shows error in S, A &M......strange!!!
Yep its then like shooting fish in a barrel but try this if your camera is a sure not to add too many oil drops into the body.
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mattharvey1 says:

Thanks for the advice - yet this didn't work for me.

I took the back off but the tripod mounting plate had nine screws including 2 which were impossible to go out due to the angle !

I couyld meet the red cycle so gave that a small amount of WD40 but it seemed to exist working perfectly in the first identify anyway.

Looks like it'due south a repair job now !
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Jag snaps says:

Thank you a lot Steve. The solution is working for me. And thank you a lot to Vijay who created this forum.
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rmore says:

I created a video hither: world wide to give you an idea how this solution worked for me. Thank you for all the posts.
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Robyn McKinney says:

This worked swell for me thank y'all very much, I wonder however if this is such a trouble what other models are affected, as I am about to expect into a new camera. I don't want to deal with this problem again!
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totogap says:

Had the same trouble. I disassembled my d40x to get to the red and white wheels, sprayed a petty "TEFLON-LUB" lubricant as shown in the video, moved the reddish whell with a small screwdriver so the shutter was working again, and took a lot of pictures until the shutter was operating smoothly before reassembling everything.
So far information technology is working now....
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dark-brown trousers [dihapus] bilang:

Did anyone else detect information technology agreeable that the fix for the D40 trouble was WestD40...

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Jennifer Lynn Siemer says:

Just experienced this tonight while 2nd shooting a Hymeneals. Ended up using one of the photographers Cannon's! Boo. I felt like I was cheating, still debating on how comfortable I feel to tackle this myself. Has anyone heard of this issue in the D300s or other models besides D40,D60,D90? I am thinking of upgrading but I don't want to spend the money to take this trouble over again in a year with a new camera.
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Amanda Aguirre says:

Yeah this just happened to me today also. And although taking it autonomously seems like a good thought (i'm mechanically inclined), I'grand not too certain almost doing it. once I hit the release button again the moving-picture show shows in preview but the meridian half of information technology just comes out black. It seems like alot of people have had this trouble and so has anyone been able to figure out specifically, why it does this?
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cmartin_ok (Chris Martin) says:

Top part black suggests that the shutter is sticking or not fully opening at any rate
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totogap says:

After trying fixing it myself, the problem came back, so I took information technology to Nikon for repair, toll me 265 CAD incl. taxation. They changed the aperture control, cleaned the sensor. Now works like new!
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boiling art [dihapus] bilang:

Hullo guys=( Unfortunately i'm having the aforementioned problem today...I was using my d60 when all of a sudden it happened.I don't become if it depends on the way i may have used my photographic camera before today...Do you lot think that if it happen one time it is likely to happen again??=( I don't even know how to fix it!
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Fluiter says:

I take to share this terminal moving picture before I got the dreaded error message.

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Tangled Web Photography says:

You guys are awesome!! Found this thread, followed steps and everything is working fine again! Give thanks y'all all and then much for taking the time to mail service the solutions here. :-)
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p0gue says:

chalk upwards another success story! 15000 actuations and yesterday my D40 started doing this, off and on. I used the screwdriver tip to utilize WD40 directly on the scarlet gear, closed it up, and and so far so good. Cheers!
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mare-san says:

my beloved D40 having the same matter... estimate it's a kind of fallow virus for the D40
guess I volition try to open the lesser and apply the WD40
I hope everything will turns out okay
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nusardel oshana says:

This happened to me as before long as I took the commencement photo on my photographic camera, and I managed to set up it, only I'm pretty sure it was just good luck.

You get the error usually because the mirror is jammed, and then I took the lens off the photographic camera and tried property the mirror in different positions, mainly in the middle and then pressed the shutter release button whilst holding the mirror, and I managed to become the mirror out of the position information technology was stuck in.
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williaeli says:

I have a D60 and this message came upward during my prom pictures :(
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uncovered hope [dihapus] bilang:

Tough luck.
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Niikon. says:

I wonder if Nikon ever heard nearly this thread?
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mare-san says:

well the WD40 didn't piece of work ...
only I took information technology to some camera service and they change the shutter motor with the new one and they accuse me $90 for it ..
I'k in Surabaya , Indonesia
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Nina Friman says:

I dear y'all guys, thanks!! <3
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Freund Studio says:

I had the aforementioned problem....had to echo the repair a couple times, but it seems to be working fine now. So, I'll add that you'll need a skillful quality #000 phillips spiral driver. I wasted a lot of fourth dimension trying to remove the screws with a cheap fix from Radio Shack. Don't waste your time with this. I found a German screw driver made by "Wiha" at the all-time hardware shop in Santa Monica , "busy bee" hardware.
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Freund Studio says:

One last tip...I found this excellent youtube vid that walks you thru the steps and diagrams where the long and short screws are located.
But noticed the vid is already linked by information technology'southward author in this thread. So thanks:
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dunninla says:

I read another post from a camera technician that said:

1) he had seen a LOT of D40/x/threescore lately all gummed upwardly inside from WD40 :(

2) the gear fix mentioned on this thread is nigh likely temporary. The gear volition eventually find the dead spot once again.

At any rate, I moved the gear without usuing WD40 and clicked off a dozen or so shots. I volition hope for the best until I find a good price on a used D3100 or a depression actuation used D40.

Now that I know how to quickly remove the bottom plastic plate to move/unstick the gear/mirror, information technology will only take me well-nigh 5 minutes to echo when necessary.
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David_Ramos says:

I had a similar issue with a D5000. The mistake would reappear periodically, but it could be cleared by tripping the shutter once more. It worked like this for a long time, but information technology started to happen more and more oft and then I sent it in to NikonUSA for repair.

I got an approximate with
Description: Service Repair Rank B2
Category: Moderate repair: Major parts replaced
Problem (description):
• Error Message
Charges: 146.72 (USD + shipping)
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Charitie says:

I just sent my camera in because i was getting that message. That makes me hopeful that it volition be under $200.
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David_Ramos says:

I am and so happy with Nikon today, I don't know what to say. I checked on the status of the repair today and very pleasantly surprised to run across "Warranty: Complimentary Service " and "$0.00 USD" under the amount. Thanks, Nikon!
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Charitie says:

oh wow. Did you have the extended warranty where you take to send in the menu?
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Charitie says:

I just checked the condition of my camera and it says $0.00. yay i guess my extended warranty worked as long as i sent in a copy of the original receipt.
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islandjoe says:

Had the verbal problem with my D40 final night while taking time lapse. I thought my DSLR was a goner, but thanks to this thread it worked again. As a side note, I used dcatardo's method. I kept pressing the shutter button and after a minute or and so of information technology not working, I quickly turned the photographic camera off, on, and then pressed the shutter push; it did the play a joke on.
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Baiju says:

Thanks and so much Steve, now my D40X works. And thanks to Vijay Bandari for created this forum.
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P,A,S,Thousand says:

My D3100 had the same problem. I sent it dorsum to Nikon and when i receive information technology back later on a calendar month the camera has heavy front end focus problem with all the lenses i take.
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SOMENJGUY2010 says:

There are some great instructions floating around about having to put some DW40 or sewing machine oil on the 2 gears buried underneath that make the shutter motion. at that place are alot of really modest screws to remove be sure to get precise tools and take your time. Its been very difficult to get to both wheels for me. I oiled the cerise one and tried with out luck. I need to remove the metal cover to get directly to the white gear which I tried to dab with oil. My D40 photographic camera already lost the flash and the SD carte du jour door broke off . And then its a DIY. Ultimately I believe the gears motors may need to be replaced as I take happily taken many 1000'south of continuous sport shots with the D40 and it simply could exist burned out. They appear to be replaceable but something I would consider when buying a new nikon DLSR.
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quarrelsome rabbits [dihapus] bilang:

I found a very simple solution. Worked for me. I removed my lens and blew difficult, with a percussive puff, several times into the camera cavity, right at the mirror surface area.

Presto. Camera back to normal.

I arrived at this after having read all the above nigh WD40 and tiny screws and the blood-red gearwheel, I was struck by the report of Amanda Aguirre, who just hit the shutter push button repeatedly, and nudged her camera back to life.

From all this, it'due south articulate this is a mechanical trouble. So I thought a lilliputian jog might just do it. And it did - for me, at least.

Can't vouch for how long this set will final, merely I can always practise it again!

Another idea that went through my listen would be to utilise that special aerosol for cleaning electric gear. This kind of stuff:

I've no idea if it will piece of work, but personally I'd rather spray this into a camera than WD40. (No offence to the WD40 people - some of my best friends, etc. etc. :-)

Good luck, everyone!
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pmolsen says:

I had the aforementioned problem with my brother-in-law's D60 that I borrowed. I had a panic attack thinking I had broken information technology. He establish this thread for me.

I applied the WD40 and rolled the red gear but at first information technology did not help. I had to gyre the wheel and click the shutter release repeatedly. Information technology would half work then stick once more. Eventually it freed upward and at present works fine.

I am concerned about the long-term affect of WD40. The WD40 spider web site claims information technology is ok on plastic and rubber, only not on polycarbonate. Quote:

"What surfaces or materials are OK to use WD-40 on?

WD-40 can exist used on just about everything. It is safe for metallic, rubber, wood and plastic. WD-40 can exist practical to painted metallic surfaces without harming the pigment. Polycarbonate and clear polystyrene plastic are among the few surfaces on which to avert using a petroleum-based product like WD-40."
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dewet says:

Awesome, cheers for the advice! I used WD-40 on the ruby wheel too, rocked information technology a bit, and tried once more. Same trouble. I and then manually lifted and released the shutter advisedly a few times (with a noticeable click the first time), later which everything seems to exist working fine once again. Woohoo!
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evilibby says:

I had this fault for the start fourth dimension today on my D60. Information technology'south second-paw and I've had it for over 2 years, so it's done pretty well to go this far without whatsoever errors!

Afterward piddling with the settings and giving it a whack, information technology worked momentarily for well-nigh iii photographs and now doesn't seem to want to do anything at all, so I'm going to give it a residuum overnight and and then give this red gear lilliputian a get and then report back.

Thanks for starting this thread and keeping information technology so chock full of information guys - makes me feel a lot more confident to try opening it upward when in that location are so many other people reporting back!
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ancient locket [dihapus] bilang:

I take this problem but my my mirror is down, opposed to upwardly like this flick.
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Niikon. says:

Whatever updates on this problem...any newer bodies affected ....D3100/D5100 !!!!!
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roald1964 says:

My D3100 aforementioned problem after 6 months, no idea how to solve this.
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plausible stamp [dihapus] bilang:

I have a D40 with this problem and I take a suspicion about the crusade. My D40 was a gift (it's cleaved, if you tin can fix it...) so with nothing to lose I've been removing more and more than casing. I tin can now meet, to the left of the lens (viewed facing the lens) a small silvery latched operated by a solenoid. This latch seems to "latch" the shutter at the appropriate point - the problem is information technology doesn't seem to and so unlatch.

With no solenoid power, a small spring is supposed to release the latch but the spring is surprisingly "free" (i.e. there's not tension in information technology) and I suspect this means the latch goes on, but never comes off. Since the shutter is all driven by the same small-scale motor and gear train (with the "cherry and white cogs") beloved of this group, I suspect this may be one of the causes of the D40 failing.

At present I don't see how I tin can get the D40 apart further to confirm this and perhaps effort a prepare but if anyone happens to be "in the area" I'd be interested to hear whether they can ostend or disprove my theory.
sudah lama (permalink)

chrisbuckridge says:

Just wanted to say thank you, Steve - between your instructions and John Ayre's movie, I think y'all've saved me a pro repair (shutter seems to be working fine once more for at present, at least!).
sudah lama (permalink)

auntiedauntie says:

I've had my d5100 for iv hours and 7 snaps and now I take that error message !!!!
sudah lama (permalink)

thygocanberra says:

And my D60 just did it - mirror locked up and nil working to make it come back down.

But over three years old, I think approx 20K shutter actuations. Non driveling. Very disappointed.
From the number of posts on this thread, which one must presume is the tip of the iceberg, this is not an uncommon occurence.

In Australia, these 'entry level' dSLRs command a body only price of well-nigh $650 - $700. This is not a petty amount of coin. I really wonder if one should expect a niggling more in durability.
sudah lama (permalink)

bcolorado says:

I am attempting the Shutter Release Trouble described in the in a higher place thread and am having difficulty getting the screws out of the bottom of my camera...whatsoever suggestions? They but spin effectually and effectually and around...the bottom is NOT loose at all. Anyone else have this problem?
Did I miss something basic?
sudah lama (permalink)

g.iyappan_504 says:

I am also the aforementioned trouble too.
120 bulan yang lalu (permalink)

Bartmeteenb says:

Hi all,

I likewise had the problem with my D60. I tried to open the camera, but could non remove the metal tripod plate due to one sturdy screw.

And so I could just endeavor to set up the trouble with the crimson gearwheel. I turned the wheel back and along and tried to brand some pictures while holding the bombardment into identify. In the first iii attempts the error returned after taking a few shots. But, repeating the turning of the wheel (hearing several clicks) seemed to eventually solve the trouble. I used a very small corporeality of WD40 using a cotton swab. I don't think it necessary to use the WD40, peculiarly reading the reports of 'gummed up gears'.

Not sure how long the camera will run, merely happy for now. Thanks for the assistance!
120 bulan yang lalu (permalink)

thygocanberra says:

related to this - video of a technician doing the repair ... world wide man?5=5S-T8C-na1w
120 bulan yang lalu (permalink)

鸣施陈 says:

what causes this problem . is it because of humidity?my camera too faces the same problem.
119 bulan yang lalu (permalink)

thygocanberra says:

Don't know
but after watching that video I posted I wonder how they keep running so well for and so long - and then many small parts ...
119 bulan yang lalu (permalink)

gatorbites says:

The motot contact hits a dead spot. When you plow the gear you become past the expressionless spot and the photographic camera works fine till information technology hits the dead spot again. WD 40 is bad. Don't let it near whatever parts or outer cease of the camera. My D40 has close to lxx,000 shutter clicks and every once and awhile, information technology dose not burn down. When I tilt the photographic camera downward, information technology fires then tilt it up and it'southward ok. I guess it'due south age and wear. Don't effort to fix whatsoever digital camera because you will never suceed.
119 bulan yang lalu (permalink)

ashleyr2013 says:

Same problem today with my Nikon D3100. Very reluctant to fiddle with it because im a novice. Volition take to a repair shop - but need information technology dorsum within two weeks! :-(
119 bulan yang lalu (permalink)

PentlandPirate: Innes House Photography says:

I know why my D5000 ended up with this error message and mirror locked up. I dropped it onto a pavement from well-nigh 1.5 metres. At that place's not a mark on the photographic camera or lens from the drop merely I've kicked myself half to death for dropping it in teh first identify. Reading this thread gives me hope I can fix information technology......Going to become some mini screwdrivers from the shed in a fleck.................
Awalnya di-posting pada pukul 118 bulan yang lalu. (permalink)
PentlandPirate: Innes House Photography mengedit topik ini 118 bulan yang lalu.

PentlandPirate: Innes House Photography says:

No joy. It'south like shooting fish in a barrel plenty to remove the 9 screws (including the one in the battery bay) in the base of operations plate of the D5000 with the correct screwdrivers, and the red cog is easily visible. You can rotate it in either direction until you come up against a terminate with teh mirror either lifted upwardly or fully downwardly. I notice that the inner red cog was white for effectually half its circumfrence and it looks like those teeth might have been jarred off with the bear upon when it hit the footing. Only the error bulletin remains on so nada works. doh!
118 bulan yang lalu (permalink)

cmartin_ok (Chris Martin) says:

Give Nikon in Kingston a call and see what they suggest. They should as well be able to give yous an thought of price.
You may be able to pick up a refurbished trunk from
world wide kingdom of great britain and northern ireland/products.asp?CAT_CODE=23&SUBCAT...
with whom I take no clan other than as a satisfied customer
Awalnya di-posting pada pukul 118 bulan yang lalu. (permalink)
cmartin_ok (Chris Martin) mengedit topik ini 118 bulan yang lalu.

bllana1 says:

shoaib85st says:

I but wanted to confirm that indeed this method works (call information technology fluke). On my D40, I didn't had to get as far as removing the argent plate instead just greased the red cog wheel using a needle. Y'all tin utilize whatever lubrication in moderation. I am not sure if its the lubrication that fixes information technology or the fact that it goes out of timing then moving the cog wheel forwards and back several times manually fixes information technology? Please annotation that y'all can only current of air the wheel dorsum and forth to a sure degree so, forcing it might break information technology; be conscientious.
Took me a while to get rid of my error only I continued applying grease at very small quantity and continued manually moving information technology with needle back and forth. (You tin can likewise utilize toothpick - probably safer).
Also played around with changing camera modes from Manual to P - not sure if that helps.
118 bulan yang lalu (permalink)

thygocanberra says:

@ shoaib85st - how long has it kept working so far ?

proficient luck !
118 bulan yang lalu (permalink)


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